Why you should not commit suicide✓
You are not yourself at this point because there is a voice speaking to you to kill yourself and that voice is your enermy.
You will still grasp for breath or help at the edge of dieing which means you will still want to live and you may not have the luck to survive it if you try taking your life.
The same way you will feel when someone close to you or anyone else commit suicide, that’s the same way others will feel when you commit suicide.
People may understand your pains but no one will understand how deep it is for you to be able to take your life. Moreover, after some days, your memory will be forgotten.
People can spiritually manipulate you to take your own life,at the end,you are loosing the battle if you consent to suicide.
You are more a hero when you are alive to overcome all these challenges and natural death is a safe road to your destination after this world.
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