Abusive Marriage.
60% of abusive marriage is as a result of external affairs and comparism.
90% is upbringing and environmental factors.
which makes one of the partner to be tired and will start behaving awkward and acting strange.
the reason you are asked to separate or leave any abusive relationship is because abusiveness is a behavior that is triggered,most times you that is abused don’t know what you did and when you check the reason for such a treatment ,you will know that it is beyond just that and most times the character you have been exhibiting for long.
In a situation the man or woman who is being abused thinks the abuser can change,it will definitely may lead to the death of someone.
Abusive partner can’t just change over night,he or she needs professional help and it is not something that need to be forced, It is something that is voluntary.
Until you identify the main reason why your partner is abusive,you cant help him and if you are unable to identify it please leave and if you are able to identify it,see if it is something that could be change and at that moment, exempt yourself from trigger and seek for safety.
Every one is in one way or the other a product of one abuse or the other but there are people whom have pass the limit and they need help even though most of them dont know that they need help.
A man can be abusive to his wife because of another woman outside and a woman can be abusive to her husband become of comparism.
Most are as a result of the character of the partner.
For you to be happy in your marriage,You really have to seek for a professional help before you marry and when you marry.
Some men don’t tell you about relationship or marriage at the early stage, most of them are filled with thoughts and wants to be sure before even telling you what you want to hear, some just dey think if it will really work out why some no just want to give you hope when they are not all round ready but in all, women can make man ready for marriage at some point.
Do not see getting married as arriving.
This mindset has made alot of women to jump into marriage when they are not ready and because of the level of hardship in the world.
let me tell you, most men are scared to go into marriage when they are not financially ready but most women see marriage as they only way out of poverty, hunger and life problems.
As a woman when things are not going well as👉🏾
planned or in your parents house, what comes to your mind?
is it to find a man or to find a job?
your answer to this question give you an explanation of how dependent you will be and how likely you may meet the wrong person.
Comparing yourself to others and desiring to meet up with the society demand makes it frustrating.
Everyone is under pressure but the pressure we should avoid is the one that comes from others.
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