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When we feel good about ourselves, we’re likely to want to engage in partnered
sex more frequently.
Some people may experience a boost in libido if they find themselves in a
sexual relationship that’s more enjoyable than their past ones.
People engaged in masturbation because they are informed sexually by their
peers, what they see or hear, (they know a lot about sex and the sex urge is
coming up) and because they are not opportune to have sex with the other
gender or because they are responding to the urge by touching their genital
part, or in a place they are being restricted, scared of asking for sex or have
been influenced negatively.
Educating them on the need to abstain from sex before marriage, presenting STD and Early pregnancy as the consequences by way of informing them without proper guidance and bringing to their notice the other consequences of abstaining which is, masturbation and same sex engagement, an alternative another act of sex
satisfaction because, the urge will always be there.
Most adolescents learnt everything by
themselves or someone close to them. So trying to make them stop without proper guidance will be very
difficult or lead to another sex Orientation, this is where the need for comprehensive sex education comes in.
Educating the adolescence on the need to either abstain or use contraceptives.
The issue of molestation, romance, sex and other sexual activities among
adolescence in secondary school due to high sex drive, changes in body, peer
pressure, sex orientation gotten from media, peer or social interaction and
other sources together with how an adolescence can control or curtail it, is
what we should deeply look into.
Any behavior that is learnt by an individual can also be unlearn by the same
individual, it is left for the counsellor or individual to know how it started and
introduce new knowledge, alternatives or something he or she can unlearn
that behavior with.
Your sex drive might be higher than usual because you’re experiencing less
stress, in a healthy relationship or in an environment where you are so free
and have access to sexual information or display that can trigger the urge.
First time having sexual urge.
When teens are approximately 12-13 years of age, they begin to show a general interest in sexual topics. Youth may try to satisfy their curiosity by reading information about sex, and viewing images with a sexual content.
This may include drawings in anatomy books, photographs of naked people, images of
animal sexual behavior, and pornographic materials.
Youth can readily find these images at the library, in an older sibling’s biology text book, watching
certain television programs, viewing adult magazines, or searching on the internet.
Some youth may attempt to satisfy their curiosity by “peeping;” i.e.,
to secretly observe people when they are naked such as when they are bathing or changing clothes, some can even try to raise the skirts of sleeping opposite gender just to see the nakedness of the person.
It is normal for youth to want
to avoid the embarrassment of being discovered doing any of these things so they may attempt to deny or conceal what they are doing.
During early adolescence boys will experience frequent erections since this is
the normal response of the male body to sexual excitement.
Erections can also occur spontaneously for no apparent reason at all as boys’ bodies adjust to the
extreme chemical and hormonal changes initiated during puberty. Similarly,
girls may find they produce vaginal secretions for no apparent reason, even when they’re not menstruating.
Sometimes, these secretions are caused by
sexual arousal, but increased vaginal secretions can also be caused by normal hormonal fluctuations during their monthly cycle.
By ages 13-14 years, guys will have a more obvious interest in sex than girls do,
but girls are interested in sex as well.
Guys will have even more frequent
erections at this age. It’s quite normal for guys to experiment with their
erections and their sexual arousal through masturbation.
Because sexual pleasure is a new experience, boys may want to masturbate quite frequently.
Since indicators of girls’ sexual arousal are not as overtly obvious as boys’
erections, girls may not masturbate as frequently because they may be less
aware of their sexual arousal.
Although sexual behavior is usually limited to masturbation at this age, both
guys and girls may start to experiment with sexual arousal through flirting,
hugging, and playfully hitting or tickling other youth they are romantically
interested in.
They may also start kissing or “making out” with other teens.
This may occur between two teens in private or it may occur in the context of a
larger group, such as a party, where youth might play a kissing like spin the-bottle and truth or dare.
Youth at this age may also begin to experiment with vocalizing their sexual
thoughts when they are with other teens and may begin telling sexual joke and others.
click to get the love you deserve and make friends.
Okafor Johnsteve udochukwu
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