Do you know that, you may be the reason why you have not become more than you are now or who you desire to be.
It maybe that you have not actualize a purpose, everyone has a purpose in this life, let assume you are teacher and your purpose is to Educate and train Medical doctors, engineers, lawyers etc. If you fail to do that, how do you expect those young ones to fulfill their purpose.
you may also think the benefit is just for others not knowing you will benefit also.
The lawyer you trained today may defend you tomorrow, if you don’t actualize your purpose now,you may be the reason why someone have not actualize their purpose.
If you help someone now, that person may help someone else tomorrow and the person will help another person who may in return help you without you knowing that your help to someone brought that opportunity or help.
Discover your purpose and make it happen, someone is really waiting for you, please stop delaying, as you are delaying yourself, you are delaying someone else.
It is true that God can bring someone else to fulfill your purpose because more than one person can have same purpose on earth but not the exact time, if you fail to utilise your time, you may not get it back but if you utilise your time now, you will definitely be happy and you will certainly meets your needs by actualizing your purpose.
Now ask yourself, what’s is your purpose or calling and how can you discover it, the answer to this question is in one of our videos and write up, please follow us on all our handle
Confidants Solace Zone
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