What single parents pass through..
My name is okaforJohnsteve Udochukwu, a mental health counselor..
You may not understand the level of pressure ,stress, fear and tension these categories of people pass through on daily base.
Most of them are not at fault ,many was unlucky, some tried their best not to be in that situation but found themselves there.
Many things can make one to be a single mother or single Father, it may be as a result of the death of the other partner, divorce, separation ,denial after being pregnant for a man and ones decision on just having a baby and not getting married…
Many in this situation claims to be strong but their pillows are soaked with tears every night.
Only few out of many survive to make it big,many looks for help but couldn’t get, some took their life and that of their child.
Life of a single mother.
Her story….
I was eighteen when I got pregnant,my parents was angry and sent me out to stay with the man that got me pregnant, I was begging and pleading for my parents to forgive but they didn’t.
The man that got me pregnant had no good job,he was a barrow pusher, my parents are not rich but atleast we can eat and solve some of our problems.
The name of the man that got me pregnant is Kelvin, he lost his parents at his early age and started hustling, looking for greener pasture.
He always help me in the Market each time I come to sale my zobo drink, I admire him so much because he always make me smile.
Kelvin is a cool guy and we fell in love, our relationship started to the point where we had our first sex and I got pregnant.
When my parents sent me out of the house, Kelvin accepted me,we started living together,the house we were staying was an uncompleted building but we managed. Kelvin did everything possible for my dad to forgive him and allow me stay with them until he have a good place but my dad refused,my mum was like a slave to my dad,she couldn’t do anything.
I was with Kelvin until I gave birth to my child at home,in the uncompleted building..,we tried with the little we have to make ourselves happy..
One day Kelvin got tired of everything because the money he was getting was not enough, I became sick and my baby, Kelvin went out to look for money, never knew it was his last.
At night ,I waited for Kelvin, he didn’t come,I was scared, crying,I can’t even go out because I was sick together with my baby.In the morning I had the news that my husband was burnt alive in the city of Aba,I was like a dead woman walking.
With my two eyes I saw my husband ashes and skeleton,my eyes was heavy,life became too deep and confused for me.
Two days later,my parents came to take me and my child, I refused to go with them, I cursed them and I promised them’ never to have anything to do with them.
My story started…
I did everything I could to raise my son, alot of sacrifices, different Kind of works just to survive, my thoughts about my past never kept on surfacing,I was suppressing it, claiming to be strong,a time came when I reached to the limit and I was mentally down.
I heard voices ,saw things, sometimes I felt like killing my child,I needed help…
This experiences recalled many times but thank God that the moment I finalized on killing myself and my child ,I told myself,if I don’t get help in two days,I will take my life…
I searched in the internet and I found Confidants Solace Zone.. www.thesolacezone.com, I decided to give it a try, thank God that I am alive writing this story,I have let go,I have forgiven my parents and I am working now.
It was not easy but help came and God was with me…