How to create value in a relationship.
Most women place so much importance and attention on their body making it looks like all they got is their body, it gets to the stage where it looks like that’s the only value they have while there are many value women have.
Most men place so much importance on their strength, money or their income making it looks like that’s all they can offer in marriage or relationship.
Some see sex as a reward for good deed that men do for them.
The mindset of some of these women have made some men to expect nothing more than sex when they have or about to help women.
Instead of using your body/sex as the only means of exchange why not create other values?
Many have been asking how they can create value, considering the high rate of mispriority among us, putting unimportant thing first is the lifestyle of people who has no value.
Guidelines for creating value.
[1] To create value, one has to place the important thing first, anything that attracts much attention of people from different class and background has value. To create value is to pay more attention to the things you do or have.
If you really want to make yourself valuable then you need to pay more attention to yourself, this principle of paying attention to yourself can work in business, relationship, marriage or production of any commodity, it implies that you need to pay attention to those things first.
paying attention to your marriage and relationship is the first step to creating value in it because from paying attention you will be able to identify what is needed in the relationship and a way to provide.
[2] Brainstorming: This is the second stage of creating value in a relationship, at this stage you need to think and gather ideas from different places for personal analysis, ask questions from reliable source to clear your doubts, quest and to get opinions or alternative to the challenges or difficulties you discovered by paying attention to your relationship.
[3] problem solving skills: At this stage, solving problems without complications should be the goal. No one leaves any relationship that solves their problems, that is why most people still hook around an abusive relationship even when their life is at stake, they think of their needs and what they stand to lose if they go, once there is no other means of solving such problem they still stay.
Men also don’t leave women who have the ability to solve some of the problems they can’t solve even when the feeling is not there, the fact that you solve problem at ease makes them to always come back to you crawling.
[4] Build yourself and be Updated: You should not remain stagnant, you need to upgrade yourself, find something new doing, develop a new goal and work towards it, make yourself busy with the things you love and be good at it, ensure it contribute and has a positive impacts in your relationship. you don’t need to be same person with same style every time.
[5] Accept change and Adapt: Change is constant and having this mindset will help you not to be taken unaware, people must not be you and you must not be them so adapting with the consideration of your mental health is the key. Once you have accepted the changes and adapt to them then you should go back to stage one which is paying attention, from there you start all over.
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